What Can Loss of Interest in Activities Mean?


If you feel like a passion or interest has lost its spark, it might be time to reevaluate whether you’re doing everything you need to do. Feeling uninspired may lead you to feel less interested in doing enjoyable activities in your daily life that usually bring you joy. You may not feel a loss of […]

How to Avoid Relapse During the Season


The Holiday season is a time for eating, drinking, and merriment. The holiday season can be filled with stressful times, but also you can have a wonderful time. If you’re having trouble navigating through the busy cocktail party filled with alcoholic drinks during holiday gatherings, here are some tips to help you. Many people use […]

What Are The Benefits of Group Therapy And How Can It Help You?


What Is Group Therapy? Group therapies were initially developed to help patients who suffered from tuberculosis (TB). However, they’ve since been expanded to treat various mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and eating disorders as our personal lives and everyday life have become too hectic today. Group therapy programs help people with mental illness learn […]

What Is The Connection Between Stress and Depression


For some people, stress means feeling anxious; for others, it may mean having too much pressure in their daily life. Stress might feel like anxiety to one person but irritation or frustration to another. Stress can lead to health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, headaches, migraines, ulcers, cancer, diabetes, strokes, arthritis, […]

What Are The Effects of Chronic Stress on Mental Health


Stress is neither pleasant nor unpleasant; we experience it when our body reacts to external stimuli such as fear or pain. Pressure by itself isn’t terrible for you. It might be because it temporarily affects our physical and mental health. There are links between stress and mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic […]

Tips for Finding an LGBT Friendly Mental Health Care Provider


There are important considerations when seeking LGBTQI-competent care for mental health services. Here are a few steps to find an LGBT-friendly mental health care provider. Step 1: Think About What You’re Looking For in an LGBT-Friendly Mental Health Care Provider While searching for an LGBT-friendly mental health care provider you are looking for, it is […]

We Must Improve Trauma-Informed Care for LGBT+ Individuals


Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people, questioning, intersexes, and their allies represent a diversity of identities and expressions of gender and sexuality. Community members include people from different races, religions, ethnicities, nationalities, and socioeconomic classes. Intersectionality refers to the combining of multiple identities into one whole. Intersectionality brings a diversity of thought, perspective, understanding, and experience […]

How Effective are Treatments for Bipolar Disorder


Everyone is prone to experiencing emotional ups and downs. Still, when these are extreme, they can be classified as a mental health condition called Bipolar Disorder. People with this condition experience mood swings that affect their ability to function in everyday life. They may have episodes of depression or mania. The symptoms vary from person […]

How to Control Emotions of Anger in Marriage.


The famous religious philosopher Buddha once said, “Do not return Anger with Anger; instead, control your emotions. That is what is meant by diligence.” As you and your spouse may know, angry outbursts, feelings, and anger issues can harm your relationship if not managed properly. Your spouse’s anger management issues and uncontrolled Anger suck your […]

How To Connect To Your Feelings?


Q. How do you stay connected with feelings while dealing with mental health challenges?A. I stay connected with feelings while dealing with a mental health challenge by communicating what emotions I am experiencing to a safe person in my life. I am honest about what I am feeling with no judgment about if it’s rational […]

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