What Are The Benefits of a Myer’s Cocktail?


A Myers cocktail is an IV infusion of vitamins and nutrients for treating various health conditions. It was developed by Dr. John Myers, an American physician who uses it to treat multiple chronic diseases, including asthma, fibromyalgia, depression, substance abuse disorder, and migraine headaches. One of the main benefits of a Myer’s cocktail is that […]

What are the Key Benefits of Holistic Medicine?


Wellness is an umbrella term for holistic health or optimal health. It includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Different people have different ideas about which foods they consider “healthy.” In modern times, people often think of health as simply eating well and exercising regularly. True wellness isn’t just about losing weight; it’s about feeling […]

How Can You Prevent Intrusive Thoughts And What Treatment Is Available


What are intrusive thoughts? Thoughts that appear in your head without any reason are called intrusive thoughts. These thoughts may feel problematic and invasive, but that is because they distress your typical psyche and conflict with your personality. They could be signs of underlying mental health conditions if they occur often. Compulsive behaviors or intrusive […]

How to manage your stress with Relaxation Techniques


Manage Your Stress By Calming Your Mind and Body Current health topics include stress with relaxation techniques and stress management as one of the most accessible health tips healthcare providers recommend to healthy adults. Did you know you can calm the physical responses to stress through relaxation techniques? Your body’s stress response causes your pulse […]

How to Avoid Relapse and Reduce Stress After Recovery


Recovery is an ongoing journey that continues throughout your life. Completing an addiction treatment program is an accomplishment. Still, it is just the beginning of a lifetime of new and healthy choices to achieve long-term recovery. Triggers for addictive behavior come from many outside factors. So it is crucial to find ways to avoid relapse and reduce […]

How Can You Overcome Mental Health Disorders With Integrative Medicine?


What is Integrative Medicine? Integrative Medicine is a medical approach to wellness that incorporates conventional medical care and holistic Medicine. – Traditional (Western) Medicine includes drugs, surgeries, and lifestyle changes. – Alternative therapies include acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation, which are not part of conventional medical practice. Still, Chiropractic care includes spinal adjustments, massage, […]

What Are The Benefits of NAD IV Therapy?


NAD regenerative therapy boasts a wide variety of benefits, including that it is simple and convenient for patients to undergo the procedure. With an intravenous (IV) infusion, patients can sit down comfortably while the NAD+ IV solution immediately starts working in the bloodstream. In addition, patients can often resume their usual daily routine right away […]

Tips and Tricks To Relax and Unwind After A Stressful Day


Our busy everyday lives can cause stress. It can be tough finding time in our daily lives to relax and unwind after a stressful day when there’s so much going on at home, at school, and socially. It’s important to schedule time for your mental health. It’s true — relaxation helps improve overall health by […]

What Are The Mental Health Challenges That Transgender People Face?


Mental illness is more common than you think in the United States. Common mental health issues include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder. One in every five people will suffer from some mental health issue at some point during their lifetime. Unfortunately for trans people, the numbers are even higher than that — nearly 1 in […]

How Can Different Types of Stress Affect Your Physical Health


Higher stress levels are experienced by everyone from time to time. Pressure is an essential part of living; it helps us adapt to new situations and challenges. However, when tension becomes excessive or prolonged, it can have adverse effects on your physical and mental health. When you experience too much pressure, your immune system weakens, […]

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