
8 tips to Reduce Stress Holistically


Stress and anxiety often go hand in hand. Symptoms include anxiety, restlessness, palpitations (rapid heartbeat), tachycardia (fast heartbeat), and angina pectoris (chest pains).

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues. More than 18% of Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder every year.

Sometimes, having one medical problem can cause another. For example, if you’re suffering from depression, which causes high blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe medication for both conditions. An accurate diagnosis ensures that someone gets the proper treatment for their condition.

This article will cover some reduce stress holistically, including meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, massage therapy, Aromatherapy, acupressure, and herbal medicine that will lower your stress levels.

There are natural ways to treat anxiety and stress without relying on pharmaceuticals or other prescription medications.

Conventional medicine has been proven effective for most conditions. However, natural remedies may be used safely when combined with traditional treatments. Altering the diet and taking certain natural supplements may change how the anti-anxiety medication works for you. It is essential to discuss them with your physician before taking the supplements


Exercising helps us feel better when we’re feeling stressed out. Research has shown that exercise may even relieve anxiety and reduce stress holistically!


Meditating helps to calm down your mind by slowing down your thinking processes to focus better. A variety of different types of meditations, such as mindful yoga and meditation during yoga, may be helpful for people who want to improve their mental health. Meditation has been used for thousands of years by religious leaders, philosophers, and scientists alike. It has been shown to help people who suffer from depression and anxiety.

Relaxation Exercises Can Reduce Stress Holistically

People who tend to practice active relaxation are shown to be less anxious. Lie down comfortably and start by tightening and then loosening each muscle group from the toes to the neck. Work your way upwards until you feel relaxed. This exercise has been shown to relieve anxiety symptoms in a healthy and non-pharmaceutical way! Relaxation can help reduce stress holistically!


Research has suggested that journaling and other types of writing may help cope with stress and anxiety. A study found that creative writing may be helpful for kids and teenagers who struggle with managing their anxieties. It is always essential to write down your thoughts and feelings so that you can revisit them later! Expressing your anxiety may help you manage it better by making it seem less overwhelming.

Time management strategies

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by having too many things going on at once, take some time off from everything for a while and create a plan of action! A well-thought-out plan can help to prevent unnecessary stress when faced with an unexpected situation. This plan may include family, work, and personal health-related activities. Time management strategies can be used by anyone who wants to get things done effectively. You may find book-based planners helpful in keeping track of time spent working on various projects. It may be beneficial for some people to break big goals down into smaller ones so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the task list.


Soothing scents like lavender oil may be able to calm down stressed people. Some smells may be more effective at certain times than others, so experiment with different options until you find one that works best for you. Aromatherapy is effective at reducing stress levels and helping people relax. It could also potentially improve sleep quality for some people.

Herbal teas

Herbal tea has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and aid sleep. There are different teas for different purposes, so choose one depending on whether you want an energizing drink or something relaxing. Chamomile may lower cortisol levels, reducing your amount of stress. Teas are a great way to reduce stress holistically!

Time with animals

Animals provide companionship, love, support, and friendship. A study conducted by researchers found that pet ownership was associated with better psychological well-being among adults experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety. 

Researchers found that caring for any animal, even crickets, may help improve psychological well-being among adults with depression or anxiety disorders. Spending time with pets has been shown to help people cope with traumatic events by reducing their levels of stress hormones such as cortisol. Researchers even found evidence suggesting that grooming and spending time interacting with horses may help people who suffer from depression.

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