
How Can You Overcome Mental Health Disorders With Integrative Medicine?


What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine is a medical approach to wellness that incorporates conventional medical care and holistic Medicine.

– Traditional (Western) Medicine includes drugs, surgeries, and lifestyle changes.

– Alternative therapies include acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation, which are not part of conventional medical practice. Still, Chiropractic care includes spinal adjustments, massage, exercise programs, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, and more.

What type of providers use Integrative Medicine?

You receive medical services from one or several practitioners who represent conventional treatments. These providers have received traditional medical education and use Evidence-based therapy in their medical practice. Evidence-based care means using research when making decisions about a patient’s health. You might get service from:

– Medical doctors (MD).

– Doctors of osteopathy (DO).

– Physician assistants (PA).

– Nurse practitioners (NP).

Complementary Medicine includes practitioners who use alternative methods for healing, such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, or massage therapy. Others may be certified by their state medical boards but not necessarily by an organization like the American Integrative Medicine. 

They may be:

– Doctors of Chiropractic or Naturopathic Medicine.

– Massage Therapists.

– Energy Healers.

– Acupuncturists.

How Can I Improve My Mental Health Disorders With Integrative Medicine?

Complementary therapies use various methods to treat patients’ minds, bodies, and spirits. They often complement conventional medical treatment by helping people feel better emotionally and physically. They complement them by providing additional options for patients who want to help their mental health disorders with integrative Medicine. They may help you deal with some symptoms, complications, or side effects of mental health conditions.

Who Is Integrative Medicine For?

Integrating complementary therapies into conventional medical care has improved patient outcomes. Many people can improve their mental health disorders with integrative Medicine. Such approaches may serve those suffering from chronic diseases, mental health, or other complicated health issues. They might be living with:

Physical ailments

-Chronic pain
-Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
-Joint pain
-Multiple sclerosis
-Neck pain

Mental illness.                                                                                                                                     

-Anxiety disorders.
-Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It may include natural substances that help increase nutrients. Natural remedies include: 

-Diet therapy Improves health with specific dietary regimens. These include Paleo, Mediterranean, Keto, Plant-Based, and others.

-Herbal supplements are substances found in nature that promote healing. They can be found in plant oils, roots, seeds, berries, or flowers.

-Probiotics contain live microorganisms (such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) that help maintain healthy digestion -Vitamins are minerals necessary for good health. 

-Mind and body practices exploit the connection between mental and physical health properties.

They include:

  • Biofeedback helps you gain awareness of specific body functions.

  • Hypnotherapy enhances your ability to be aware and open to suggestions.

  • Meditation focuses attention on pleasant experiences instead of negative ones.

  • Reiki (energy healing) promotes healing by restoring the body’s natural energy field.

  • Yoga and tai chi- combine specific postures and movements with breath control to unite your mind and body.



Therapies using the body to affect health and well-being include acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and reflex Bodywork may consist of:                                                                               

-Acupuncture uses fine needles to promote blood circulation.

-Chiropractic Adjustments Use a healer’s hand to help move joints back into regular positions.

-Reflexology Stimulates body systems by pressing on specific parts of the hand, foot, or ear.

-Therapeutic massage applies pressure to muscles and soft tissues to help them relax.

What are the benefits of integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine aims at maximizing overall health by addressing both physical

-Traditional medicines focused on treating disease.

-Complementary therapy healing opportunities from alternative Medicine

Complementary therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, meditation, yoga, tai chi, hypnosis, music therapy,

-Better appetite.

-A better overall sleep experience, including fewer interrupted sleep cycles and fewer nighttime awakenings.

-A sense of peace of mind.

-Pain relief, nausea control, and energy management are the most common uses.

-Restful sleep.

What are the risks of Integrative Medicine?

Potential risks include:

-Integrative Medicine often involves care provided by multiple healthcare professionals. It may consist of scheduling multiple therapy sessions at different times throughout the week.

-Complementary therapies and conventional Western Medicine have different philosophies; however, they offer treatments for similar conditions. Providers have no consensus regarding which treatment plan would be most effective for patients.

-Some complementary therapies may interact negatively with some medications. Some people who use them may also take part in conventional treatment programs. Sometimes, they can be life-threatening.

What is the Outlook For People Treating Their Mental Health Disorders with Integrative Medicine?

Your outlook depends on whether you are diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD, or ADHD. Improving the likelihood of success for any given attempt at something involves doing things like:

-Learning about complementary therapies might help you determine which ones would be right for you.

-Discuss things with your conventional healthcare provider and any complementary practitioners you use.

-Remember that complementary therapies are not intended to replace traditional treatment methods; they are used alongside them.

Let your healthcare provider know if you want to treat your mental health disorders with integrative Medicine!

Please call 911 if you are experiencing a medical emergency or call our admissions department for support at (801) 499-9316

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